The path of Granite
Path of Water
Path of Castellaccio
Lenght:11,2 Km
Difference in level: 75m Travel time: 3:30 hours Difficulty : E |
Lenght: 6,9 km
Difference in level: 42 m Travel time: 1 h 45 m Dificulty: E |
Lenght 8,3 km
Diference in level 215 m Travel time 2h40 Difficulty E |
Mappa (fonte ente parco) | Mappa (fonte ente parco) | |
The path of granite is between Fornelli in the south and Cala sant’Andrea in the east of the Island. We start from Fornelli to Porto Pagliaccia, passing near a big lake were it’s possible to see the Cavaliere d’Italia and the alzovola, we’re going to P.Barbarossa and we arrive in the little beach of P.Li Giorri, a granitic cave were you can see the signs of an old mine. Skirting the beach of Cala s.Andrea we take the pavement road and we came back to Fornelli.
We start from Fornelli and we go weast to reach P.Salippi,the protagonist is the water: the sea, ponds, little water-sources, dams and tanks. We go to the beach of Spalmadori and we pass near a pond behind it ,were we can see the Viola Matiola that protect the dunes. We arrive in the dockbay of Mannu di Fornelli with its scistum,granites of Pedra Bianca and the beatiful flowering of Centaurea Horrida. We go to P.Maestra Fornelli and we arrive to the dum, from were we can see the ex maximum security prison of Fornelli and we came back to south. |
We start from fornelli,we leave the ex maximum security prison behind our back, we take the dirty road to weast and we arrive up to 215 m; were we can see the Castellaccio, an old medieval Castel; and then we came back to the start. During the trek it is easily possible to see horses donkeys and muflons that they moves between rocks and through the vegetation. This is a beatiful panoramic excursion and when we reach the Castellaccio we can have a view of all the south part of the island. |
Path of memory
Path of Oak
Path of the lighthouse
Lenght 5,5 km
Difference in level 28 m Travel time 1h30 Difficulty E |
Lenght 13,7 km
Difference in level 406 m Travel time 4h 30 Difficulty E |
Lenght 17,9 km
Difference in level 120m Travel time 5h 30 Difficulty E |
Mappa (fonte ente parco) | Mappa (fonte ente parco) | |
Following this path we came back in time to the historic and prehitoric events that caracterised the island. We are in the middle part of #asinara( Cala Reale) the ex quarantene marine station,starting from here and continuing to Campo Faro we arrive in Campu Perdu an ex military station and to the stable. We take a little dirty road and we arrive in the only one Domus de Janas of the Island, continuing to the pavement road we arrive in the Austro-Hungaric ossuary,in front of it we can stay a little bit at beach surranded by a forest of junipers, after that we came back to the start. |
We start from the little village of Cala d’Oliva with its white houses, in the 1700 was populated by Sardinnia shepherds and Liguria fishermans. Here there is the ex structure of all the penal colony(diramazione centrale)and the hostel that in the past was a house for the gyards. We leave the pavement road and we take the dirty-path that goes to Case Bianche another old structure of the penal colony and passing through a forest of oaks we finally reach the highets point of the island Punta della Scomunica,the most beatuful panoramic point of the The Park; from were you can also see the coast of Corsica. |
We start from the little village of cala d’oliva and following the signs we arrive in one of the most beatiful beach of the island( Cala Sabina)were we can have a little break,we continue to P Scorno skirting the beautiful bay of Cala D’Arena(restricted area) and finally arrive at the feet of the big lighthouse in the northest part of the Island. |
Anna Lisa Sanna
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